Carleton's Compliance Team provides independent compliance auditor services that align with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recommendations. Our experienced, dedicated team of compliance and legal professionals stays up-to-date on federal and state regulatory and legislative requirements, industry trends, and best practices in consumer credit calculations. With Carleton's in-house attorneys and compliance analysts, we analyze anywhere from single transactions to entire portfolios nationwide. These compliance requirements are broad, nuanced, and can be difficult with antiquated statutes. Avoid feeling overwhelmed and allow Carleton to provide you with that peace of mind.
Carleton's consultation review process provides a tailored solution designed to meet your unique requirements.
Carleton's reputation has been built upon our commitment to accuracy and compliance. Our experienced Compliance Department provides confidential audit services, including loan transaction analysis and validation against specific federal and state regulations.
Within the framework of our solutions, Carleton provides ongoing maintenance support, including when state or federal regulatory changes require a modification to the Carleton software or its lending parameters. Carleton's Compliance Department also provides research, compliance assistance, and education related to any regulation changes, as needed.