Thought Leadership

Credit Insurance Rates on the Move!

Entering into 2016, three states published prima facie credit insurance rates will be changing.  Specifically, Colorado, Nebraska, and Virginia promulgate new prima facie rates for credit life and A&H.  These specific changes within a three month period is a distinct departure from the recent historical trends of little movement in published prima facie rates. 

In Virginia, credit life rates increased January 1st which also departs from the approximate 20 year trend of steady rate declines, while A&H rates decreased.

Colorado regulation, which contains a virtual labyrinth of rates for specifically designated coverage types, will also see the general credit life rates increase February 1st while credit A&H rates remain unchanged.                                                                                        

The Nebraska Insurance Department Bulletin effectively reduces both credit life and A&H rates effective March 1st.

Carleton will closely monitor prima facie rate as this may be an active trend.