
Home / Solutions / CarletonAccess®

CarletonAccess® is a web application used to sell credit protection, quote loans, and generate and print loan closing documents at the branch, dealership, or at the borrower's home from any device.

  • FLEXIBILE - CarletonAccess® is executable as a stand-alone application or called from within a partners lending application.

  • FAST, CUSTOM, INTEGRATION - CarletonAccess® set-up parameters make it easy to quickly customize solutions to your individual lending products and state and federal compliance requirements.

  • ROBUST AND POWERFUL - CarletonAccess® incorporates the strength of CarletonCalcs® and CarletonDocs® software enabling users in both direct and indirect lending environments to do any of the following:

  • WIDELY UTILIZED - Most major credit insurance companies supply CarletonAccess® to their lending clients as a menu selling tool to quote loans and increase the sale of credit protection across the country.

  • SIMPLE DATA TRANSMISSION - Loan closing data can easily be transmitted to systems used by lenders, dealers and third-party product providers, improving loan closing efficiency and saving valuable time and IT expense.

  • CALCULATION ACCURACY AND PEACE OF MIND - With Carleton's dedicated Research and Support and 45 years of industry experience, Access clients can rest assured that their lending products are accurate and compliant nationwide.

Menu-Selling Tool

CarletonAccess® makes selling credit insurance and other add-on protection products easy and enables the lender to control the sales process. It easily performs "what if" loan scenarios with multiple insurance protection combinations on a single display. With CarletonAccess®, you can view, print, or e-mail the menu presentation or the full disclosure and amortization of a loan selected within the menu presentation.

Sales Aid

CarletonAccess® helps assist the lender in selling the benefits of their loan protection products and overcoming common objections to acquiring protection products.

CarletonCalcs® Support

CarletonAccess® has the computation strength of CarletonCalcs® to meet the computational requirements of the lenders, dealers, credit insurance companies, and state and federal regulations nationwide.

CarletonDocs® Support

CarletonAccess® has the document generation strength of CarletonDocs® to provide all the documents required by the lender or dealer or a specific state or class of business nationwide. CarletonAccess® provides the option to print the lending documents at the lender's office or provide a link to the dealership or borrower to print the documents.

    Research Support

    Carleton has an industry exclusive research department that assures CarletonAccess®'s calculations are accurate and compliant. Our research group will also work directly with your compliance department and state regulators to make sure Carleton has accurately defined the basis of computations for your lending class(s) of business. We stand ready to prove the computations to the examiners.

    Maintenance Support

    Carleton's experienced development, research and customer support teams provide the proven assurance that CarletonAccess® stays compliant when future lending or credit insurance regulatory changes affect your lending products. We stand ready to address any of your compliance concerns and customize software to meet any unique lending requirement. When regulations change, Carleton's support means having new software in place before the effective date.

    To order, please call 574-243-6040 to speak with a Sales Representative.